I just received a copy of this film in it's unrated,original format. It has yet to be released in North America and it's speculated that it won't be released uncut in the States due to it's subject matter. This is a tough film to review, but here goes.
The premise is as follows: An aging porn star agrees to participate in an "art film" in order to make a clean break from the business, only to discover that he has been drafted into making a pedophilia and necrophilia themed snuff film. Now, onto the hard part.
This film has been quite controversial for it's unflinching projection of brutality and sexual images. Now, I found the film to be very competently made. The film visually is very good. It's easy to soak in the atmosphere and one really does feel the tension, suspense and dread the film builds up. In addition, the degradation and desperation come through in spades. In addition, there is a twist near the end, coupled with another twist in the very last scene. I won't spoil it, but you will be shocked!
Performance-wise this film is terrific. Srdjan Todorovic stars as Milos, the "retired" porn star, and he nails his role. He is at first likable and later deplorable. He plays his part well and one really feels the confusion and horror he is put through. In addition, it's easy to feel his pain and self hatred for what he has become and what he has taken part in. Sergej Trifunovic plays Vukmir, the man who hires Milos to star in the film. He too is really believable as the villain. While he is the antagonist, he makes us believe that he really believes whole heartedly in what he does. The rest of the cast handles their roles efficiently as well.
Now, the effects. There is plenty of blood and gore and plenty of sex and nudity as well. From this point on, here there be SPOILERS of sorts. The gore and bloodshed is incredibly realistic. There is one scene in which Milos is drugged into sleeping with a woman and while doing so he decapitates her with a machete (while still pounding away at her, mind you) This could have easily come off as silly and cheesy, but not the case. It truly does look like a snuff film and can get hard to watch at times.
All the effects are "well done" if you can call it that, considering the subject matter. Without going too much into it, there is a woman who is molested via lead pipe, several gunshot victims, neck breaking, death by skull fucking (I kid you not!) and the now infamous "newborn porn" scene. This scene is as realistic as it can get and it really is hard to watch. While not much is shown in this scene, the implication is efficient enough to make me wish I hadn't seen it. In addition, the sex and rape scenes are as realistic as I've seen. I'll take the rape scene in Last House On The Left or I Spit On Your Grave any day. This is truly like watching torture in this film.
Now, Srdjan Spasojevic (the director) has stated that this film is an allegory for the way the Serbian Government treats it people. Now, I've never been to Serbia so I can't really speak on this issue. I can say that it does effectively (and depressingly) shows the depravity of the entire human race. It also shows the despicable depths that some people will go to simply for satisfaction. The truly horrific thing is that there are people out there capable of such atrocious acts.
This film does indeed go over the top into some really touchy territory. The depiction of pedophilia and necrophilia is stomach turning and at times downright sickening. It's not so much the in your face gore as much as the fact that it makes one wonder if such sick people really exist. However, I feel that this was the films point. Many people say that this film is shock for shocks sake. I don't see it that way, but it is indeed hard to watch at times.
Overall, a good film if you can call it that. It's competently made, the acting is great and it certainly will cause much debate. In addition, it does have a message, if you can look past the torture and porn. Now, be warned, this film is not for everyone. If you have a weak stomach, skip it. If you even think you might be offended by the description, go with your gut on this one. Remember, some things you can't unsee no matter how much you try.
Highlight Scene: The freak out at the end in which Milos massacres a grouip of henchmen is emotional and gory. The way he dispatches with one man, using his penis as a weapon is....inventive to say the least. Also, one can really feel Milos' sanity slipping away from him.
anyone else seen this film yet? I'd enjoy your opinions!