Thursday, February 3, 2011

Midnight Movie review

I found this movie at RedBox and I have to say, it was pretty damn enjoyable. It's got a semi-original premise and a lot of heart. Like most straight to dvd films, it's not without it's flaws but it's still worth a watch.

The film starts out with a movie director who has been committed to a mental ward. After all treatments seem to fail, his doctor decides to show him his one and only film which is believed to have driven him insane. Upon doing so, the night doctor arrives to find everyone massacred and the patient M.I.A.

We're then taken to a revival theater that specializes in showing old cult films. The film being shown tonight is that very same film. The surviving doctor along with a detective show up to the screening, suspecting that perhaps the fugitive will show up. Right they are, to a degree.

Joining the doctor and cop are a stock cast of attractive young teens. We have the typical heroine, her little brother, the typical douche bag, the nerd and the doting boyfriend as well as a few other disposable extras and a biker couple.  Upon starting the film we notice something awry as people start disappearing. Pretty standard horror plot, right?

Well, what set this film apart for me is the interesting method in which the killer selects his victims. The killer in the "movie" is actually coming out of the film to murder the moviegoers. Also, as they are killed we see their murders on the big screen that everyone else is busy watching. This film actually makes clever usage of the "movie within a movie."

Also, there are a few likable characters (the biker's are actually my favorite, ironically enough) and the villain is pretty unique. He sports a pretty creepy mask and an interesting weapon as well. It looks to be a cross between a knife and corkscrew!

Again, there are faults to be had. Some of the acting is typical of a DTV (direct to video) movie and there are some questionable decisions made by the cast, but then again, what horror film of late doesn't? There is also a lack of explanation about the killers origins, which are briefly alluded to being wicca related and then abandoned.  The effects are actually pretty well done and their is a nice bit of tongue in cheek humor that runs throughout.

Overall, not perfect but enjoyable. For me, this movie has a lot of heart and is a worthy throwback to the slasher films of the 80's. Certainly nothing earth shattering and it won't win any awards but there are worse ways to pass 90 minutes. I truly enjoyed this movie, as I took it for what it is; a fun horror film made by someone who obviously had a love of the genre.

Highlight Scene: The moviegoers are watching the "movie" as the usher gets attacked. Not realizing that it's not part of the film, the crowd is gleefully watching his demise, even critiquing how "fake" it looks!

Highlight Quote: (Not knowing he's watching an actual person's demise)
                         Mario- " This looks so fake! And there's like, no blood!"
                         Sully - "It's only the first kill. It'll get bloodier, it always does."

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