Tuesday, February 22, 2011

5 Must See Zombie Films!

I recently delved into my DVD collection and immersed myself in a plethora of zombie movies. I've always loved zombie films, so I decided to compile a list of the must sees of the genre. Read on and educate yourselves!!

Return Of The Living Dead
Boy, what a fun movie here. I remember watching this for the first time when I was about six years old and it scared the crap out of me! This film serves as a pseudo-sequel to Night of the Living Dead, taking the basic premise but aknowledging the fact that it was just a horror movie. Two bumbling idiots release a hazardous chemical that brings the dead back to life... Pretty simple. However, it's all in the execution. There's plenty of tongue in cheek humor, the gore is good, the acting is wonderfully hammy and the effects look good considering the time it was made. This film is truly a good time popcorn film. Zombie fans need to see this, you WILL love it! I dare you not to love the line "Send more paramedics."

Yeah, it made a list of mine already. But thats because it's that good. Fulci is truly a gore master and proves it in this film. His zombies actually look scary! The makeup alone is worth watching this movie for. In addition, the acting and score are both effective and serve the film well. Plus, a zombie fights a shark! You don't get much more ridiculous and epic than that! Seriously, this is a great film that builds tension and proves that zombies can actually be terrifying.  This is among Fulci's best, so check it out!

Dead Alive
 Long before venturing to middle earth, Peter Jackson decided to instead venture to hell on earth. This is easily one of the most fun zombie movies ever made. It's certainly not to be taken seriously but it makes for a great evening at home. A rare creature bites a man and he transports a disease turning people into zombie. Pretty simple set up, but that's not what this film is about. There are gross out scenes aplenty and gore that will make Eli Roth blush. I don't want to delve into it too much as I don't want to spoil anything for you but there are plenty of memorable scenes including a baby zombie in a blender and the most creative usage of a lawnmower I've ever seen. I don't know how much money was spent on blood but it had to be a pretty penny! In addition, we get a truly likable antihero who we root for the entire time. Also, a pretty gross scene involving some pus and a mans custard..... "Nuff said

Dawn Of The Dead
Who could forget this film? One of the original zombie masterpieces that everyone should see. And, I hate to admit it, the remake was pretty damn good too. Zombie run amok at a shopping mall, how much better can it get? Then you add Romero's name and it's cinematic gold. The zombie master at work is not to be missed. You need to check out one of the films that popularized the genre. If you can only find the remake, it will suffice but I recommend checking out the original. You won't regret it.

Evil Dead Trilogy
Yeah, yeah, it's a trilogy. I don't care. These films are, in my opinion, the greatest of the genre. Pure fun, tons of great action and gore and the brilliant performance by Bruce Campbell as Ashley J. Williams. These films have lines that you can't help but quote and so many memorable scenes, I don't know where to begin. In addition, the third film gives us Zombies in mideval times! Also, a true icon is born. Ash Williams, the man with the chainsaw hand is the greatest horror hero ever. Imagine the 3 Stooges meats Die Hard with zombies and that still doesn't do these films justice. Sam Raimi cut his teeth on this film and you can see his talent in it's rawest form here. Also, made on a shoestring budget with practical effects and promoted by the cast and crew, this is truly a labor of love. You can feel the dedication that each player had to these films and it translates to the screen. Everyone is clearly enjoying themselves, knowing they're creating something special. In addition, while there is plenty of humor there are some creepy moments as well including a tree rape scene and the zombie Cheryl tormenting Ash from the cellar, to name a few. Check these out and Hail to the king baby!

Other honorable mentions include 28 Days Later, Zombieland, Night of the Living Dead, Pontypool, The Crazies, 28 Weeks Later, Dead Snow and Planet Terror.

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