Friday, February 4, 2011

Murder Set Pieces review

This movie leaped off the shelf at me. The cover looked intense, the imagery looked fierce and the quotes on the cover.... "The most graphic horror film ever committed to celluloid." I had to check this out. It was compared to the early works of Dario Argento, a bold statement indeed. Let me tell you, it's all lies. Every last word of it.

The premise sees a fashion photographer in Vegas that secretly has the urge to kill. The film follows him as he loses control and massacres a bunch of young women. Sven Garrett stars as The Photographer, if you can really call it "starring." The majority of the movie consists of him speaking German, thinking about his dead mom who was a whore and working out. Seriously.... that's about it.

The script had a few interesting ideas but squandered them. We see a brief flash of the photographers grandfather as a Nazi. This whole Nazi theme runs through the movie as if it has some major significance to the plot, yet it does not. The only purpose this serves is to display a few swastikas and excuse Sven's German accent.

The acting is atrocious. Not a single worthy performance at all. Sven Garrett looks like a pumped up James Roday (the guy from Psych) and does nothing at all. All the supporting players would be shown up by any actor on All My Children, which is not a good thing. This brings me to the gore, or lack there of. I don't know what the hell movie the critic from Hustler magazine was watching that this was "the most graphic horror film committed to celluloid." This description was formerly applied to Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer, which actually deserved it.  Every single kill, even those that happen on screen (which are few) are obstructed, and we see nothing except the occasional blood spatter.

Overall, this film is a blatant rip off of American Psycho and Henry, without any of the charm. Several scenes seem to be directly lifted from each movie and fall flat here. Even cameos from Gunnar Hansen and Tony Todd can't salvage this pile of crap. It is truly awful in every sense of the word. The last twenty minutes desperately try to build some tension and succeeds for about 60 seconds. Even the ending is ridiculous.

*Spoilers* We're to believe that this hulking German monster gets his ass handed to him by a 10 year old girl! Then, after getting stabbed in the gut by a rather large pair of scissors and getting his face mashed by a two by four, he's seen at the end perfectly fine and bruise free.  The little girl walking alone, covered in blood is directly lifted from Texas Chainsaw Massacre and there is no resolution. We never find out what happens to anyone! A total waste of time and the dollar it cost to rent. I actually want my dollar back, thats how bad this pile of German shit is.

Highlight Scene: A brief chase scene with the photographer and little girl through his home actually manages to build tension. Beware though, it lasts about a minute. Blink and you'll miss it.

Highlight Quote(s): The Photographer- "In my minds eye I light fires in your cities."
                             The Photographer- "I'm looking for a snuff film called The Nutbag"
                             The Photographer - "It's ironic. Women suck blood from men every day but at the end                                                                  of every month, it leaks out."

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